Best Paper
Presenter: Karsten Husby
Karsten Husby (SINTEF Digital, Norway); Vidar Ringset (SINTEF, Norway); Christian Johnsen (OceanTech Innovation AS, Norway)
“Presenting a novel NDT Eddy Current probe for crack detection on rough welds and steel with variable permeability”

Best Student Paper
Presenter: Thorben Schüthe
Thorben Schüthe (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany); Karl-Ragmar Riemschneider (Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, University of Applied Sciences, Germany); Andreas Meyer-Eschenbach (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
“Magnetic Sensor Array for Determining the Assembly Torsion and Preload of a Bolted Joint”

Best Poster
Presenter: Tommaso Polonelli
Tommaso Polonelli, Simone Schläpfer, Michele Magno (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
“Self-sustainable IoT Wireless Sensor Node for Predictive Maintenance on Electric Motors”

Best Presentation
Presenter: Marina Terlau
Marina Terlau, Axel von Freyberg, Dirk Stöbener, Andreas Fischer (University of Bremen, Germany)
“In-process tool deflection measurement in incremental sheet metal forming”

Student Travel Grant Recipients
- Debasrita Kar → “A Bending Angle Sensor Based on Magnetic Coupling Suitable for Soft Robotic Finger”
- Georgekutty Jose Maniyattu → “Development of a neural network to identify plastics using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy”
- Kane Williams →”Classification of batteries in waste streams using magnetic induction spectroscopy”
- Idan Shem Tov → “Hydrogen induced dipole layer in Pd-SiO2 based gas sensors”
- Daan Delabie → “Techtile: a Flexible Testbed for Distributed Acoustic Indoor Positioning and Sensing”
- Gerrit Maus → “A parking spot occupancy sensor based on commodity wireless chipsets”
- Sareh Soleimani Gilakjani → “Emotion Classification from EEG Signals Using a Cascade of Convolutional and Block-Based Residual Recurrent Neural Networks”